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Face time, not FaceTime: why in-person connection matters for language

Updated: Feb 24

These days, screens are everywhere. While technology can offer some educational benefits, nothing can replace the power of good old-fashioned face time, especially when it comes to your child's speech development. Face-to-face interaction is the cornerstone of language acquisition.

Why Face Time Matters:

  • Visual Cues are Key:  Children learn to speak not just by hearing sounds, but also by watching the speaker's mouth, facial expressions, and body language. These visual cues are essential for understanding how sounds are made and what they mean. When a child sees your face as you speak, they're getting a multi-sensory learning experience that a screen simply can't replicate.

  • Turn-Taking and Social Interaction:  Language development is a two-way street. Face-to-face interaction teaches children about the give-and-take of conversation – the back-and-forth of listening and responding. They learn to take turns, pay attention to cues, and understand the flow of communication. Screens, on the other hand, are often a one-way experience, limiting opportunities for this crucial social learning.

  • Emotional Connection and Engagement:  When you're face-to-face with your child, you're not just teaching them words; you're building a connection. Your smiles, eye contact, and affectionate tone create a positive and engaging learning environment. This emotional connection motivates children to communicate and explore language. A screen can't provide the same warmth and responsiveness.

  • Modeling and Repetition:  Children learn by observing and imitating. Face time provides countless opportunities for them to see and hear language modeled correctly. You can repeat words, expand on their babbling, and demonstrate proper pronunciation. This kind of direct, personalized instruction is invaluable for speech development.

  • Context and Meaning:  Language is best learned in context. When you're interacting with your child face-to-face, you can connect words to real-life objects, actions, and experiences. For example, pointing to a dog while saying "dog" helps your child understand the meaning of the word in a way that a picture on a screen might not.

How to Maximize Face Time:

  • Talk, talk, talk:  Talk to your child as much as possible, even if they're not talking back yet. Describe what you're doing, what you see, and what you hear.

  • Read together:  Reading aloud exposes children to a wide range of vocabulary and sentence structures. Make it interactive by pointing to pictures and asking questions.

  • Play together:  Play provides a natural context for language learning. Engage in imaginative play, sing songs, and play games that involve communication.

  • Minimize screen time:  Set limits on screen time and prioritize face-to-face interaction.

  • Be present:  We know you're busy and everyone needs your attention. But when you're with your child, be mindful of your own screen use. Try to put away your phone and give them your full attention.

While technology can play a role in education, face-to-face interaction is essential for healthy speech development. By prioritizing face time, you're giving your child the best possible foundation for communication and language skills that will last a lifetime. So, get down on their level and enjoy the precious moments of connection that will nurture their growing language abilities. Your time and attention are the most valuable gifts you can give.



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Image by Kimberly Farmer

Talkative Tots is a platform where you can learn evidence-based information and proven strategies to help encourage and improve your child’s speech language and social skills. 

Disclaimer :
Talkative Tots is not intended to treat or diagnose any speech-language issues or serve as a speech therapy session or replacement for a speech therapy session.


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